School Uniform


We believe our school uniform is smart and helps keep clothing costs reasonable. The wearing of school uniform is compulsory. The school reserves the right to amend these regulations and requires all pupils to conform to the policy. The items of clothing which are required, are clearly shown below in bold type. Clarification, where thought useful, is shown in italics. If you are uncertain about the appropriateness of any particular item of clothing, please seek guidance from school before a purchase is made.

All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the pupil’s name either with marking ink or with name tapes.


A grey skirt, pinafore dress or trousers.

Shorts, culottes and leggings are not acceptable. Skirt and trousers must have a waist that is suitable for tucking a shirt into. Black is not acceptable.


Grey trousers.

Black trousers are not acceptable.

Plain white long or short sleeved shirt or blouse with a firm collar suitable for wearing with a tie.

Fashion type, shaped shirts and blouses, including those with button down collars, belts and puffed three quarter sleeves are not acceptable. The shirt/blouse must be long enough to tuck into the skirt or trousers at all times.

School Tie – Available only from the school office

All ties must be worn correctly ie, the top button of the shirt must be fastened and the tie must be tied in a neat knot to fit. Pre-tied ties with velcro are acceptable.

Plain navy blue “V” necked sweater/cardigan/slipover (tank top)

The “V” necked slipover must be of plain knit in a similar finish to stock stitch, not ribbed or patterned. “V” necked cardigans in stocking stitch with plain buttons are also acceptable. Crew neck jumpers, sweatshirts, hooded tops and fashion cardigans are not acceptable. Black and grey are not acceptable.


A plain, navy blue blazer is optional for pupils choosing to wear one. Badges are available to purchase from the school office.


Plain white knee socks or navy, grey or black opaque tights with skirt or pinafore.

Coloured socks are not acceptable, however plain dark socks may be worn under trousers.


Plain grey, navy or black ankle socks.

Patterned socks are not acceptable.

Plain black school shoes with a low or flat heel.

Training shoes and boots are not acceptable.

Hair accessories

Hair accessories must be small and unobtrusive eg, small bobbles, scrunchies or clips (navy, brown and black).

Hair, if longer than shoulder length, should be tied back.


It is difficult to define appropriate hair styles for school since fashions change all the time but in general, they should not be excessive or offensive and parents should seek guidance about the suitability of hair style before a visit to the hairdressers if they or their child are considering a hair style which differs widely from the norm.

NO jewellery is permitted except a wristwatch and one pair of small ear lobe studs – from Year 2 onwards. This means that plain gold or silver can be worn in the ear lobes, but they will be required to be covered with micropore tape for all PE activities. Coloured gems or diamonds are not accepted. Parents of pupils with pierced ears must accept responsibility for their safety.

NO make-up or nail varnish is allowed.

Outdoor Coats – no particular style is specified but a plain, waterproof and warm coat is recommended.

NO denim is allowed in school.


Girls may wear a blue gingham dress with a navy cardigan and white knee or ankle socks. Coloured tights and socks are not allowed with school dresses.

Boys may wear grey short trousers, with plain dark socks and the usual shirt and tie.

Sandals are NOT allowed.

GAMES & PE KIT (Year 1-Year 6)


A plain navy polo shirt (logo shirts available from Tesco online or from school on-line scopay system) and navy shorts. Black plimsolls (elastic or velcro)

KEY STAGE 1 & 2 PUPILS (Year 1 – Year 6)


Plain navy tracksuit or jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, white PE sports socks and trainers. (Fleece/tracksuit top with logo also available from school on-line scopay system).

This kit needs to be kept in a normal drawstring bag which should be kept on the pupil’s cloakroom peg at all times.

Swimming costume, cap and towel are required for lessons at Woodlands School.

(KS2 classes will be informed by letter of the term they will be going swimming). Bikinis or long, voluminous shorts are not acceptable. Only swimming trunks or lycra shorts.



A plain navy polo shirt (logo shirts available  from the school office) and navy shorts. Black plimsolls (elastic or velcro)

(Optional – if not using schools shared waterproof rompers and wellies)

Wellington Boots, Waterproof Trousers & Coat – both of which can be packed into a drawstring bag and kept in school for playing in the water/mud/rain

Spare pair of socks

These items will be worn over school uniform.


Finding the owner of unnamed articles is time-consuming and difficult. Unclaimed, unnamed items are passed to a Charity Shop each half term. Any child coming to school in wellingtons or boots in inclement weather should also bring a spring-type clothes peg or plastic bag so that the boots can be fastened together or bagged when taken off.

Shin pads are recommended for hockey, football and rugby skills activities. Gum shields are recommended for children attending hockey club.

Expensive stationery, toys and large amounts of money should not be brought to school.

The school office administers supplies of ties, cardigans, sweaters, PE polo shirt, PE fleece all embroidered with the school emblem. These are available to order on line. (Details sent separately)

School Uniform Policy

It is now possible to order school uniform online, please follow the link below

Scopay Online Payments