School Council
We have a School Council so that everybody has a chance to express their views in school.
We believe it is vital to consult with our children on a regular basis. The School Council meet on a weekly basis where they have collated pupils’ suggestions for improving their school, categorising improvements in both the short and the long term.
As your School Council we aim to:
- Give every child a voice
- Help make the school an ‘even better’ place
- Always help others
- Work together to create success
Throughout the year, members of the School Council will get the opportunity to report to Governors current issues. They make formal requests of the Governing Body who try and assist the Council in their endeavours on behalf of the children of William Gilbert Endowed C of E Primary School and Nursery.
- If a child would like to be a Councillor, they will write their own manifesto or tell their class why they think they would be good at the job
- Two children from each class from Years 3 to 6 are voted on to the Council
- The School Council on a weekly basis
- Lots of different things are discussed and acted upon to improve the school
- Councillors take back the information to their class and discuss the information
- Councillors report to Governors to put forward their views
The School Council have been meeting every fortnight and have worked hard to generate great ideas to make the school “even better”. They have produced a pupil questionnaire about school dinners and shared it with all pupils across school. They are going to analysis the data together and create an action plan to help redesign the school lunch menu.
During the second half of the Spring Term, they will looking into the ‘SuperKind’ project. This aim is help children grow up to be open-minded, empathetic and with a strong sense of their own agency in the world.